Fabian Pamphlet 39: Building the society of equals: Worker Co-operatives and the A.L.P.

Fabian Pamphlet 39: Building the society of equals: Worker Co-operatives and the A.L.P.

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Abstract: Most of us never control the way our daily work is done, or the use to which it is put. Nor are the profits or losses our own. Worker co-operatives are different. The workers in a worker co-operative are all member-owners, and membership cannot be held by anybody else. Everybody participates on an equal footing in making the decisions, benefits equally when there is a profit, and sacrifices equally when there is a loss.....

Published by the Victorian Fabian Society,
G.P.O. Box 2707X, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia.
Copyright Race Mathews & the Fabian Society1983
Cover Design by Vane Lindesay
ISBN 978-0-909953-20-1