Fabian Pamphlet 33: The Politics of Justice

Fabian Pamphlet 33: The Politics of Justice

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How can we improve the quality of Parliamentary law-making? How can we improve the quality of law-making by the courts, and especially the High Court? What changes are necessary, in both the workings of Parliament and in the style approach, and composition of the courts, to make the law more sensitively reflect ongoing social change? To what extent is it acceptable in principle, and desirable in practice, for Parliament to transfer to the courts key law reform functions which it alone has traditionally exercised?

These are the questions which this pamphlet is principally concerned to address. They by no means exhaust the range of matters with which it would be possible to deal under a title as broad as “The Politics of Justice”, but they certainly appear to be the questions of pre-eminent importance. In law reform, as in everything else, if one can get the basic machinery right, it is extraordinary how easily the substantive changes will then tend to flow.

Author: Gareth Evans

SeriesVictorian Fabian Society pamphlet, 33 

Year: 1981

Cover Design: by Vane Lindesay